25 août 2015 2 25 /08 /août /2015 09:28
Click on the photo to see the interview :-)
Click on the photo to see the interview :-)

Cel is spanish. She has a blog about the au pair life. And she wanted to have my interview for her blog.

Here it is on the "Mi Rincon Au Pair" blog.

Thank you Cel for sharing my work on au pairs. I am honored by the interest you showed me.

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26 juin 2015 5 26 /06 /juin /2015 14:53

Alright ! Let's talk on skype with your host family ! This is going to be so exciting and... WAIT ! What should you ask?


- What is going to be my TYPICAL DAY?

Ask them about a time schedule ! You want to know why? Because you don't want to work 45 hours every week for one year without knowing it before ! Ask about the work in itself : can the kids dress up by themselves? Do you need to clean the kitchen? ... Anything you have in mind !
If you know before what is going to be your work then it is all about your decision to do it or not. You won't have a surprise once you get there. And trust me, it's too late after that !


- How is my ROOM?

In this world of massive kids brain destructions you will need to have your own quiet time. And your private space, this is why you should always give a lot of importance to the room you will have. Is it close to the kids room? Is it on the top of the house? One of my friend had her own room at the top of the house + her own bathroom + TV room. Don't expect this to happen everytime, but this is for sure one good point for this host family !


- What can I do during my FREE TIME? 

You must think that is secondary... What you can do during your free time or not is what will make your au pair experience great or not ! It is as simple ! So ask those questions : 
- W
ill I be able to go out at night?
- Can I use the car to go to my friends?
- Are you ok if I have some friends coming to your house?
This job is great but also very tiring, you need to be able to relax and do the things you love : running, eating fat cakes, laughing with your friends, whatever !


Can you go out during the weekends to lay down in the grass with your friends?

Can you go out during the weekends to lay down in the grass with your friends?

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26 mars 2015 4 26 /03 /mars /2015 11:13

I thank you from the bottom of my heart for being there and listening, I'm not sorry for sharing anything with you because you have experience, and I felt you were the only one giving me a proper advice because you knew what you were talking about


       This is what I received one morning in my e-mailbox from an au pair I was talking to for weeks. Her host family was terrible to her, I won't go too much into details... She is finally back home and dream now of another au pair experience.

When I wanted to quit my host families (see why in the other articles) the only thing that made me stay was my friends. Being an au pair is a tough and unfair job. You should receive huge amount of love and respect. But some of us don't.


If you experience a bad time or a situation that you think unfair feel free to write me and we'll talk about it. I'll try to help you the best I can !

If you want to follow me on fb : Romain Menu

Friends is the best thing that can happen to you during your au pair year

Friends is the best thing that can happen to you during your au pair year

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20 décembre 2014 6 20 /12 /décembre /2014 12:00

Let’s face it : having the time to relax and enjoy your life when you are an au pair is like the moments when they write your name on your cup correctly at Starbucks. It almost never happens. But au pair vacations might be the solution and be the cherry at the top of your cake : The key to be a better english speaker, grow up faster and be proud of yourself. Here’s why you need to use those 2 short little weeks to travel in the USA and not to fly back home.

1.  Finally speaking english ! « I know you don’t want to clean your room I’m sorry but don’t poop on the table to protest » Please ! Do you know what it is to have the same conversations day after day with your host kids ? With the vacations break you finally have the opportunity to meet other people, take it ! Travel in cheap hostels, party with everyone, you will meet plenty of awesome people and won’t regret it for sure. Speaking english with your host kids will be a good english lesson on the first days but not after a few weeks.

2. 1 year is so short ! What was part of your dream when you thought of living in the USA ? Walking down NYC ? Having a coffee with George Clooney ? Hell yeah ! But certainly not to go back home ! Even for Christmas, come on! You will be there for the next one. The au pair year goes fast every au pair will tell you this so don’t make it shorter !

3. Traveling in the USA will stay as a fantastic experience. That you will have so much pleasure telling to your grand children on your rocking chair against a fire. They will be on their iPad74 so they won’t listen, but still ! San Francisco, Boston, the Grand Canyon… According to some Geography specialists the country is wider than the butt of Kim Kardashian. What are you waiting for ? Take a backpack and let’s go !

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Here is a concrete and precise idea of a successful cultural trip using your au pair vacations.

South Beach, Miami

My mission with this article is to give you the motivation to live the experience entirely. Going back home when you don’t have to stay and work is just to easy. This is in those moments that you will grow up by making good choices. So be brave and get that backpack on your shoulders, eat an organic cereal bar and go somewhere with your friends !

A little thought for Kim Kardashian as she allows myself to give you a precise picture of my thoughts.


17-12-2014. 3 :50 am.

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19 décembre 2014 5 19 /12 /décembre /2014 16:21

N'ayons pas peur de le dire: avoir le temps de profiter de la vie quand on est au pair c'est un peu comme quand ils écrivent ton nom sur ton gobelet Starbucks sans faire de fautes. Ça n'arrive presque jamais.

Les vacances d’un au pair sont aussi courtes et rapides qu’une ballade dans le cerveau de Justin Bieber mais elles décèlent peut être le point le plus crucial de votre année au pair : la clé pour parler mieux anglais, mûrir vite et rentrer fier de soi. (acclamé par une foule enthousiaste qui scandera votre nom dans des mégaphones).
Raisons pour lesquelles il faut profiter de ses 2 petites semaines de congé pour voyager aux Etats-Unis et non pas prendre l'avion pour rentrer chez papa-maman :


1. Parler enfin anglais. « Non, torturer ton frère avec cette tronçonneuse ne lui fera pas plaisir » Imaginez enfin sortir des communications ô combien profondes que vous avez avec les enfants toute la journée tous les jours. Avec les vacances, vous avez enfin la possibilité de rencontrer d’autres personnes, saisissez cette chance ! Réservez une auberge de jeunesse pas chère à Miami, faites la fête avec tout le monde… Ne soyons pas trop naïf, travailler avec les enfants nous fait peut être progresser rapidement en anglais au début mais plus après quelques semaines. Les vacances vous donnent enfin l’occasion de rencontrer d’autres personnes que celles qui vous entourent toute la journée.


2.  1 an c’est court. Quand on pense vivre 1 an aux Etats-Unis qu’est-ce qui fait rêver ? Aller à New York, voir un match de foot américain, prendre un café avec George Clooney ? Absolument ! Mais certainement pas rentrer dans sa famille pour passer les fêtes de Noël ensemble « parce qu’on a toujours fait comme ça », « parce que mon poisson rouge menace de sauter » L’année passe vite, pas besoin de la raccourcir ! Vous reviendrez quoi qu’il arrive chez vous ; en revanche retourner aux Etats-Unis logé chez une famille sera une expérience sûrement irréalisable.


3. Voyager entre amis aux USA sera un souvenir formidable. Que vous raconterez au coin du feu sur votre chaise à bascule à vos petits-enfants tellement vous en serez fier ! Certes, vos petits-enfants ne vous écouteront pas et seront sûrement en admiration devant leur iPad 74 à ce moment-là, mais quand même ! San Francisco, Boston, le Grand Canyon… Ca fait rêver, non ? D’après certains géographes, le pays est aussi large que le tour de fesse de Kim Kardashian. Qu’attendez-vous ?


Un exemple concret et culturellement réussi de ce que peuvent donner des jours de congé bien utilisés.
South Beach, Miami

L’idée de l’article est de se motiver à vivre l’expérience jusqu’au bout et éviter la solution de facilité : rentrer chez soi quand il n’y a pas d’obligation de rester. C’est dans ces moments de liberté qu’on grandit en faisant les bons choix. Alors soyez courageux et enfilez ce sac sur vos épaules, mangez une barre au chocolat bio et partez avec vos amis !

Une pensée pour Justin Bieber et Kim Kardashian qui me permettent d’imager mes idées de façon à ce que tout le monde comprenne bien.


17-12-2014, 3 am

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18 avril 2014 5 18 /04 /avril /2014 17:46

To all my friends, I think I was the only one who had finished his studies.
When I was flying to NYC for the au pair school, I was 23. Waiting for my studies to finish was so hard. I did a master. It’s long. As soon as I finished it I matched with a host family in Massachusetts and burned my note book from school right away.

boston 1st day

Should you finish your studies first? I would say yes.

-   Being underage in the USA sucks. Let’s face it! In the country of guns where you can go to war at 18 to kill Iraqi people it is not authorized to enter in a pub with your friends if you are not 21. It is also not authorized to buy a beer at a supermarket. You can’t go to nightclubs too (officially, but a lot of night clubs go over the law).   
A funny thing: you can’t go to a night club if you are under 21 but you can go to the majority of the strip clubs of the country at 18! As long as you don’t drink alcohol.

-    You don’t have to worry about registering to universities and about the scholar timing. So no need to cut your au pair year, you can also stay more if you like it. “Aaah I have to go back home otherwise I will miss the beginning of classes”.

-    You might appreciate your au pair year more when you are more mature. Don’t forget that you are doing an adventure. You leave your family, your mom and her good pastas, you cat on your knees… Everything is new, it’s a new language for you, the food tastes different and sellers in clothes stores are always weird (especially Abercombie&Fitch). I am not saying that at 18 you won’t be a good au pair and won’t be able to “catch” all this new culture. But I am sure that you will be more prepared at the age of 21 than 18.

The problem to what I just wrote is that all my friends were au pair before their studies and found advantages of leaving before 21. And the best one is to do your studies as a new English speaking person!

So should you wait the end of your studies or should you just go as soon as you can? Let’s make it very simple: it depends of your maturity. Do you think you can handle taking care of a child, driving the family car at only 18? I don’t think I was. But my friends were!

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17 avril 2014 4 17 /04 /avril /2014 10:13

I want to thank everyone of you for making my YouTube channel "the au pair channel the most viewed on internet". Asians, South Americans, Africans, Indonesians, Europeans, I receive messages from young people from any place of this world.

I don't make any money with this channel. These messages I receive are my award.
You show me that my work can be a source of inspiration and motivation. That is my only goal. Helping you to change your life by taking courage of doing it.


Also this blog is the 1st au pair blog of "over-blog" : biggest french blog website. And one of the au pair blog the most viewed in France, this is all thanks to you.

Merci beaucoup :-)


Vues - Thailande


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2 mars 2014 7 02 /03 /mars /2014 00:13

I am always busy and running after time but I did skype a few times. With people asking me questions about the au pair experience.

If you want to talk about your au pair project with me, just send me your skype contact in the comments and I'll try to talk with you and help you the best I can.


J'ai fait plusieurs skype avec des personnes qui m'ont demandé, dans le but de parler de l'expérience au pair et aider du mieux que je peux ceux qui sont concernés.

Si vous voulez en discuter avec moi, envoyez en message privé vos contacts et j'essaierai de trouver du temps pour qu'on en discute!

(au vu de la photo j'ai d'ailleurs l'air de me marrer un maximum)

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9 février 2014 7 09 /02 /février /2014 17:09

Faire des vidéos est devenu mon métier :-)

Et comme je continue de m'occuper de mon blog et répondre à ceux qui m'écrivent, autant joindre l'utile à l'agréable!

Je peux faire la vidéo de présentation de ceux qui s'apprêtent à partir!


Tournage + Montage (on filme l'interview ensemble, on choisit des photos, etc... Et je monte le tout) 250€

Montage uniquement (l'interview est déjà filmée, les photos sont là, mais comment en faire un beau film?) 100€



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16 novembre 2013 6 16 /11 /novembre /2013 16:34

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The question is: What video would like me to do now?


I am back in France but there are still plenty of subjects I did not talk about (like"why English people really can't make good food?" or "why do we French people love strikes so much?" but there are not au pair subjects)


Leave me a good idea in the comments. As a thank, I will send you an underwear (clean) with my signature.



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Quelle vidéo devrais je faire maintenant?


Je suis de retour en France mais il reste encore plein de sujets intéressants à traiter.


Laissez moi une bonne idée dans les commentaires. Et en remerciement vous recevrez un pin's dédicacé pour épater vos amis.

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